Iris Elektrick is an overarching organization that facilitates shared-car groups in the Iris neighborhood.

Iris Elektrick helps individual shared-car groups with:
- counselling in setting up a shared-car group
- requesting dedicated shared car parks from the municipality of Eindhoven; see also our news blog
- the installation of a mileage registration system per car
- the arrangement of an app for reserving a shared car, the registration and mutual settlement of kilometers per participant
- applying for a subsidy at the province of Noord-Brabant for the purchase of a shared electric car; see also our news blog
- requesting and having charging stations installed
Everyone in the Iris neighbourhood must be able to be a member of a shared-car group or to set up one. Which car you buy and how you manage it, you define within the group.
For shared electric cars we are currently negotiating with the municipality. The objective is to place a group-owned charging station at each shared car parking space. And that station should be powered by a private electricity connection. This way, as a shared-car group, you control the cost of electricity and also how sustainable you generate this. You can use solar panels on your own home to recharge the car. But just as well, these solar panels can be part of a collective current project (postcoderoos project). Or you buy wind energy.

Do you want to know how car sharing currently operates? Then see how the first shared car group in the Iris neighborhood started and how it goes after 1 year.